
Just buy the ticket and think later. If you think too much it will never happen
Ian Wright, host of the acclaimed UK travel series, Globe Trekker.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

3 Little Secrets You Have to Know About Bargaining

It is universally acknowledge that the market you're strolling into put no price on stones. And the rare, second-hand, USSR-made LomoCamera is certainly wouldn't come across you again, even in the next life. And you certainly don't plan to spend all of your hard earned part-time money at McDonald's. No, you are certainly not going to beg the seller , you're just manipulating your negotiation power. By the way, it's your right. Start to unlock the bargaining method:

1. Start your bargaining price with the price lower than than the one you intend to pay. How unbelievable, hilarious, unfair, or absurd the price is, just ask. Its like setting a stone for you to raise the price slightly later. Because you cant go lower than that throughout bargaining process. It is acknowledged for both parties that seller are meant to lower his asking price, and buyers to raise his/hers. Be extremely confident to ask for that price as if its your human right to get the price you are asking. Then start to raise the price, little by little up to a point , say, 10% from your asking price and the seller is still hesitant. It's time to act mean and cold (literally) by moving on to the next step.

2. Act as if you're not interested. Take time, take time, take time. Make him waiting for your answer. Make the biggest question of his destined life is whether you're going to buy this item or not. Arouse his curiosity preferably by starts strolling to the next shop, linger around your cellphone, or do nothing at all! But you're not going to let his hope stops right there. Instead, survey the same item at the next shop preferably,in live view, of the first shop. But make sure you're surveying a different design of the same goods, so you can get a variant of price. The seller's curiosity will call you back to his shop with a lower price. Sweet!

3. Be honest and get naked. Seriously it always works for me. Start to relive your negotiation but if you're tired with all this drama, its time to get stark naked. This is one of my idea's "Mr. X, Ive just got my first paycheck from McDonald's and I don't really plan to buy this camera. So, if you can offer the price within my budget, I'll certainly take it. No further question asked." The moment he agrees , then you know you can have it your way. Start putting the price on stone!

Bargaining is an art and there's more than 1001 ways to handle it. Anyone who have some great tips to share are welcomed to add comments :)

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